Browsing by Sponsor "European Commission"
Now showing items 1-20 of 307
A 1000-year reconstruction of summer precipitation from Ireland: Calibration of a peat-based palaeoclimate record
(2012)Calibration of proxy climate records is well-established for annually resolved proxies such as tree rings, but it has not been attempted for non-annually resolved proxies such as those from peatland surface wetness records. ... -
Ab initio study of electron transport in dry poly(G)-poly(C) A-DNA strands
(2010)The bias-dependent transport properties of short poly (G)-poly(C) A-DNA strands attached to Au electrodes are investigated with first-principles electronic-transport methods. By using the nonequilibrium Green's function ... -
Academic Writing in Museums
(2021)Museum staff strive to create environments rich in opportunity for visitors to explore their relationship with their heritage, culture, art, or science. Their unique expertise in communicating and creating educational ... -
Access to employment for deaf graduates, employees and jobseeking signers: findings from the DESIGNS project
(European Union of the Deaf, 2021) -
Acoustic Features in Dialogue Dominate Accurate Personality Trait Classification
(2020)We report on experiments in identifying personality traits from the dialogue of participants in the MULTISIMO corpus. Experiments used audio and linguistic features from participants’ speech and transcripts, ... -
Acoustic particle velocity measurement by ultra-light membrane and its applications in acoustic holography
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Engineering. Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, 2007)Acoustic holography is a non-destructive method used to determine the spatial propagation of acoustical waves. Conventionally, the acoustic holography measures the acoustic pressure. Until recently, a very limited number ... -
Activation of stress-related signalling pathway in human cells upon SiO2 nanoparticles exposure as an early indicator of cytotoxicity
(2011)Background: Nanomaterials such as SiO2 nanoparticles (SiO2NP) are finding increasing applications in the biomedical and biotechnological fields such as disease diagnostics, imaging, drug delivery, food, cosmetics and ... -
An Active Data Representation of Videos for Automatic Scoring of Oral Presentation Delivery Skills and Feedback Generation
(2020)Public speaking is an important skill, the acquisition of which requires dedicated and time consuming training. In recent years, researchers have started to investigate automatic methods to support public speaking skills ... -
Addressing Medication Management Challenges for Older People with Multimorbidities: A Multi-Stakeholder Approach
(ACM, 2017)Multimorbidity, the presence of two or more chronic conditions, places a significant burden on health systems globally. People managing multiple chronic conditions face burdensome and complex treatment plans. Polypharmacy, the ... -
Advanced Assistive Technologies for Elderly People: A Psychological Perspective on Seniors' Needs and Preferences (part B)
(2021)This paper provides a general overview of the literature regarding advanced assistive technologies devoted to improving elders’ life. Recent studies on assistive robots and embodied conversational agents ... -
Advanced histology methods for biodistribution and safety screening of next generation nanobiomaterials
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Medicine. Discipline of Clinical Medicine, 2022)Over the past few decades nanobiomaterials (NBMs) have shown a promise in improving many areas of medicine such as diagnosis and treatment of diseases, with number of formulations currently approved for use by the regulators. ... -
Advanced Separation Processes for Recovery of Critical Raw Materials From Renewable and Waste Resources
(Elsevier, 2019)Driven by the fact that global mineral reserves are constantly depleting, systematic mandates and policies have been initiated to augment the recovery of essential resources, which have been categorised as critical raw ... -
An agronomic assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from major cereal crops
(2012)Agricultural greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions contribute approximately 12% to total global anthropogenic GHG emissions. Cereals (rice, wheat, and maize) are the largest source of human calories, and it is estimated that world ... -
AIRO: an Ontology for Representing AI Risks based on the Proposed EU AI Act and ISO Risk Management Standards
(2022)The growing number of incidents caused by (mis)using Artificial Intel- ligence (AI) is a matter of concern for governments, organisations, and the public. To control the harmful impacts of AI, multiple efforts are being ... -
An Analysis of Emerging Ethical and Human Rights Issues in the Harvesting of Data from Social Media During Emergency Response to Natural Hazards
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Religions,Theology & Ecumenics. Irish School of Ecumenics, 2018)This research investigates the ethical and human rights implications of social media powered emergency management information systems that harvest and process data from social media streams in order to produce actionable ...