Academic/Research Units in TARA
Select a Academic/Research Unit to browse its collections.
Administrative Staff Authors
Administrative Staff Authors (Live Theses)
Administrative Staff Authors (Scholarly Publications)
Administrative Staff Authors (Theses and Dissertations)
Work by Alan Cheville, Shaen Corbet, John Heywood and Charles Larkin on alternative structures and financing for higher education.
Confederal School of Religions, Peace Studies and Theology
Religions and Theology
Religions and Theology (Scholarly Publications)
Religions and Theology (Theses and Dissertations)
Book and report chapters authored by ESRI researchers
ESRI Annual Reports and Review of Research
The ESRI Economic Renewal Series is a special series of ESRI studies that survey available evidence to address issues related to Ireland’s ongoing economic crisis.
Reports published jointly by the ESRI and an external agency
Peer reviewed journal articles authored by members of the ESRI research staff
This collection covers papers written by ESRI researchers and published by agencies other than the ESRI.
Special Articles are published in the QEC in order to foster high-quality debate on various aspects of the Irish economy and Irish economic policy. They are subject to refereeing prior to publication.
Association for Higher Education Access & Disability
An tÚdarás Rialála Comhlachtaí Tithíochta Ceadaithe
An Phríomh-Oifig Staidrimh
An Rialálaí Carthanas
An Coimisinéir Cosanta Sonraí
Comhairle Fiaclóireachta
An Roinn Talmhaíochta agus Mara
An Roinn Leanaí, Comhionannais, Míchumais, Lánpháirtíochta agus Óige
Roinn Cumarsáide, Gníomhaithe ar son na hAeráide agus Comhshaoil
An Roinn Cosanta
An Roinn Oideachais
An Roinn Fiontar, Trádála agus Fostaíochta
An Roinn Airgeadais
An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha
An Roinn Breisoideachais agus Ardoideachais, Taighde, Nuálaíochta agus Eolaíochta
An Roinn Sláinte
An Roinn Tithíochta, Rialtais Áitiúil agus Oidhreachta
An Roinn Dlí agus Cirt
An Roinn Caiteachais Phoiblí agus Athchóirithe
An Roinn Forbartha Tuaithe agus Pobail
An Roinn Coimirce Sóisialaí
Roinn an Taoisigh
An Roinn Turasóireachta, Cultúir, Ealaíon, Gaeltachta, Spóirt agus Meán
An Roinn Iompair
Stiúrthóra Ionchúiseamh Poiblí
Publications: 1998-
Publications: 1994-2014
Ireland's National Police and Security Service
An tÚdarás um Fhaisnéis agus Cáilíocht Sláinte
Lárionad Faire um Chosaint Sláinte
An tÚdarás um Ard-Oideachas
An Ghníomhaireacht Tithíochta
Institiúid Ceimice na hÉireann
Voice of Institiúid Ceimice na hÉireann
Oifig Maoine Intleachtúla na hÉireann
Cumann Cartlannaíochta Éireann
An Bord um Chúnamh Dlíthiúil
The Refugee Documentation Centre Newsletter
Cumann Leabharlann na hÉireann
Bord Imscrúdú Taismí Muirí
Irish Meteorological Service - Publications 1943-
Publications relating to Agricultural Meteorology and AGMET (Joint Working Group on Applied Agricultural Meteorology)
January 1971 - December 1990
No. 1-8: March 1969 - October 1982
A collection of climatological datasets for Ireland
'Geophysical Publications'; series of publications produced by the Irish Meteorological Service. Vols. I (1947) - IV (1953). Only some issues are available electronically. Contact the Met Éireann Library for access to the full series.
Collection of publications relating to magnetics, including some magnetic observations recorded in Ireland 1971-1989 (incomplete)
Collection of journal articles, scientific reports and conference proceedings by Met Éireann staff members and affiliates
Annual Reports of the Irish Meteorological Service (now Met Éireann) 1977 - 2007
The Climatological Note series has been in publication since 1972. It is issued on an irregular basis. Issues are compiled by Met Éireann staff members. The series covers a range of subject areas relating to climatology with a particular emphasis on Ireland and ongoing work at Met Éireann. Climate averages are published as part of this series.
The Historical Note series has been in publication since 1995. It is issued on an irregular basis. Issues are compiled by Met Éireann staff members. The series focuses on the history of meteorology, with a particular emphasis on the history of meteorology in Ireland.
The Technical Note series has been in publication since 1943. It is issued on an irregular basis. Issues are compiled by Met Éireann staff members. The series covers a range of subject areas relating to meteorology with a particular emphasis on Ireland and ongoing work at Met Éireann.
The Monthly Weather Bulletin is a 16-page climatological review of Ireland's monthly weather, based on quality-controlled data from over 600 weather stations. It is compiled by the Climatological & Observations Division at Met Éireann and each issue is made available six months after the end of the month.
Collection of publications relating to solar radiation, including some solar observation data recorded in Ireland 1964-1989 (incomplete)
Material from multiple publishers without stand-alone collections
Gníomhaireacht Náisiúnta um Bhainistíocht Sócmhainní
An Chomhairle Náisiúnta Iomaíochais agus Táirgiúlachta
An Chomhairle Náisiúnta Eacnamaíoch agus Shóisialta
An tIonad Náisiúnta Comhpháirtíochta agus Feidhmíochta
Comhairle Náisiúnta Eacnamíoch agus Sóisialach
An Fóram Náisiúnta Eacnamaíoch agus Sóisialta
Oifig Náisiúnta um Fhorbairt Eacnamíoch agus Shóisialta
Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage / An Roinn Tithíochta, Rialtais Áitiúil agus Oidhreachta
Gníomhaireacht Bainistíochta an Chisteáin Náisiúnta
Oifig an Stiúrthóra um Fhorfheidhmiú Corparáideach
Statutory Report of the Director to the Minister
Detailed guidance for specific categories of persons in relation to Company Law (e.g. Company Officers, Auditors, Creditors, etc.)
Information relating to changes in Company Law
Summary guidance for specific categories of persons in relation to Company Law (e.g. Company Officers, Auditors, Creditors, etc.)
An Coimisinéir Faisnéise
Oifig an Ombudsman
Oifig an Rialaitheora Pleanála
Muintir Mhathúna
Seirbhís um Cheapacháin Phoiblí
Bord um Thionóntachtaí Cónaithe
Irish Tax and Customs / Cáin agus Custaim na hÉireann
Éire i gComhar le Sierra Leone
James H. Murphy [editor] 'Evangelicals and Catholics in nineteenth-century Ireland', Society for the Study of Nineteenth Century Ireland, 9 (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2005)
Chris Morash and Richard Hayes (editors). Fearful Realities: New Perspectives on the Famine, Society for the Study of Nineteenth Century Ireland 1 (Blackrock: Irish Academic Press, 1996)
Margaret Kelleher and James H Murphy (editors), Gender Perspectives in Nineteenth-Century Ireland: Public and Private Spheres, Society for the Study of Nineteenth Century Ireland 2 (Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 1997)
Tadhg Foley and Seán Ryder (editors). Ideology and Ireland in the nineteenth century, Society for the Study of Nineteenth Century Ireland 3 (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 1998)
Oonagh Walsh [editor] 'Ireland abroad : politics and professions in the nineteenth century', Society for the Study of Nineteenth Century Ireland, 6 (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2003)
Colin Graham and Leon Litvack [editors] 'Ireland and Europe in the Nineteenth Century'. Society for the Study of Nineteenth Century Ireland, 10 (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2006)
Frank Ferguson and James McConnel [editors] 'Ireland and Scotland in the Nineteenth Century'. Society for the Study of Nineteenth Century Ireland, 12 (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2009)
Leon Litvack and Glenn Hooper (editors). Ireland in the Nineteenth Century: Regional Identity, Society for the Study of Nineteenth Century Ireland 4 (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2000)
Ciaran O'Neill [editor]. 'Irish Elites in the Nineteenth-Century', Society for the Study of Nineteenth Century Ireland, 15 (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2013)
Úna Ní Bhroiméil and Glenn Hooper (editors). 'Land and Landscape in Nineteenth-Century Ireland', Society for the Study of Nineteenth Century Ireland, 11 (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2008)
Laurence M. Geary and Oonagh Walsh [editors]. 'Philanthropy in Nineteenth-Century Ireland', Society for the Study of Nineteenth Century Ireland, 16 (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2015)
Laurence M. Geary [editor] ‘Rebellion and Remembrance in Modern Ireland’, Society for the Study of Nineteenth Century Ireland, 5 (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2001)
Juliana Adelman and Éadaoin Agnew [editors]. 'Science and Technology in Nineteenth-Century Ireland', Society for the Study of Nineteenth Century Ireland, 14 (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2011)
Betsey Taylor FitzSimon and James H. Murphy (editors). The Irish Revival Reappraised, Society for the Study of Nineteenth Century Ireland, 7 (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2004)
Peter Gray [editor] 'Victoria's Ireland? : Irishness and Britishness, 1837-1901', Society for the Study of Nineteenth Century Ireland, 8 (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2004)
Coimisiún um Chaighdeáin in Oifigí Poiblí
Coimisiún na Scrúduithe Stáit
Homelessness, housing, health, well-being and equity in Ireland
Homelessness, housing, health, well-being and equity in Ireland
The International Review of Entrepreneurship (IRE) was established in 2003 and publishes cutting edge research and case studies on entrepreneurship which have relevance for entrepreneurial policy, management, performance and practice
Test collection for Irish-African Partnership for Research Capacity Building
E-archive of the 160 years of the Journal of the Statistical & Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, results of a project directed by JSSISI editor, Dr P.P. Walsh
Additional e-resources
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Interdisciplinary research institute
Trinity College?s Long Room Hub, a new initiative that is set to transform research in the arts, humanities and social sciences was launched on Wednesday, 14 June 2006 by Senator Maurice Hayes and the Chair of the American Ireland Fund, Dr Loretta Brennan Glucksman. To mark the occasion a colloquium and poster exhibition was held to showcase some of the new research projects in Trinity. This collection is a record of that event.
Includes articles for InTouch magazine (INTO) and Feasta (Conradh na Gaeilge).
Includes textbooks, reference books, course materials, audio, and other electronic media.
Includes peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters.
Browse through sponsored research reports produced by staff at MIE.
Race, ethnicity, identity and equality: TCD research / Selected Irish reports
School of Biochemistry & Immunology
Biochemistry (Scholarly Publications)
Biochemistry (Theses and Dissertations)
School of Chemistry
Chemistry (Scholarly Publications)
Chemistry (Theses and Dissertations)
School of Computer Science and Statistics
Computer Science
Computer Science (Scholarly Publications)
Computer Science (Theses and Dissertations)
Statistics (Scholarly Publications)
Statistics (Theses and Dissertations)
School of Drama, Film & Music
Drama (Scholarly Publications)
Drama (Theses and Dissertations)
Music (Scholarly Publications)
Music (Theses and Dissertations)
School of Dental Sciences
Dental Science
Dental Science (Scholarly Publications)
Dental Science (Theses and Dissertations)
Oral Medicine
Oral Medicine (Theses and Dissertations)
Public and Child Dental Health
Public and Child Dental Health (Theses and Dissertations)
Restorative Dentistry
Restorative Dentistry (Theses and Dissertations)
School of Ecumenics
Ecumenics (Scholarly Publications)
Ecumenics (Theses and Dissertations)
School of Education
Education (Scholarly Publications)
Education (Theses and Dissertations)
School of Engineering
Civil Structural & Environ Eng
Civil Structural & Environ Eng (Scholarly Publications)
Civil Structural & Environ Eng (Theses and Dissertations)
14th International Conference on Application of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering
Electronic & Electrical Eng
Electronic & Electrical Eng (Scholarly Publications)
Electronic & Electrical Eng (Theses and Dissertations)
Mechanical, Manufacturing and Biomedical Eng
Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng (Scholarly Publications)
Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng (Theses and Dissertations)
School of English
English (Scholarly Publications)
English (Theses and Dissertations)
School of Genetics & Microbiology
Genetics (Scholarly Publications)
Genetics (Theses and Dissertations)
Microbiology (Scholarly Publications)
Microbiology (Theses and Dissertations)
School of Histories and Humanities
Centre for Gender & Womens Studies
Centre for Gender & Womens Studies (Theses and Dissertations)
Classics (Scholarly Publications)
Classics (Theses and Dissertations)
The digital archiving initiative of the School of Histories and Humanities
Prof. Roger Stalley's archive of photographs of medieval art and architecture
Digital Images relating to the archaeology of medieval Ireland and Europe
Images of Irish art c.1600-c1940 donated by Prof. Anne Crookshank and Dr Desmond Fitzgerald, Knight of Glin
Images of Irish architecture and sculpture c.1300-1600 and related materials donated by Prof. Edwin Rae
Images of Irish art c. 1940 ? present
History (Scholarly Publications)
History (Theses and Dissertations)
History of Art
This collection consists of approx. 500 moulding profiles collected from medieval buildings c.1200-c.1600 across the island of Ireland. The material was collected by Dr Danielle O'Donovan between 2000 and 2008. The work was funded by Enterprise Ireland, the Office of Public Works, IRCHSS and the Heritage Council.
History of Art (Scholarly Publications)
History of Art (Theses and Dissertations)
School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies
French (Scholarly Publications)
French (Theses and Dissertations)
Germanic Studies
Germanic Studies (Scholarly Publications)
Germanic Studies (Theses and Dissertations)
Hispanic Studies
Hispanic Studies (Scholarly Publications)
Hispanic Studies (Theses and Dissertations)
Irish and Celtic Studies
Irish and Celtic Studies (Scholarly Publications)
Irish and Celtic Studies (Theses and Dissertations)
Italian (Scholarly Publications)
Italian (Theses and Dissertations)
Russian (Scholarly Publications)
Russian (Theses and Dissertations)
School of Law
Law School
Law School (Scholarly Publications)
Law School (Theses and Dissertations)
School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences
CLCS (Scholarly Publications)
CLCS (Theses and Dissertations)
Clinical Speech & Language Studies
Clinical Speech & Language Studies (Scholarly Publications)
Clinical Speech & Language Studies (Theses and Dissertations)
School of Mathematics
Pure & Applied Mathematics
Pure & Applied Mathematics (Scholarly Publications)
Pure & Applied Mathematics (Theses and Dissertations)
School of Medicine
Anatomy (Scholarly Publications)
Anatomy (Theses and Dissertations)
Clinical Medicine
Clinical Medicine (Scholarly Publications)
Clinical Medicine (Theses and Dissertations)
Clinical Microbiology
Clinical Microbiology (Scholarly Publications)
Clinical Microbiology (Theses and Dissertations)
Haematology (Scholarly Publications)
Haematology (Theses and Dissertations)
Histopathology & Morbid Anatomy
Histopathology & Morbid Anatomy (Scholarly Publications)
Histopathology & Morbid Anatomy (Theses and Dissertations)
Immunology (Scholarly Publications)
Immunology (Theses and Dissertations)
Medical Gerontology
Medical Gerontology (Scholarly Publications)
Medical Gerontology (Theses and Dissertations)
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Obstetrics & Gynaecology (Scholarly Publications)
Obstetrics & Gynaecology (Theses and Dissertations)
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy (Scholarly Publications)
Occupational Therapy (Theses and Dissertations)
Paediatrics (Scholarly Publications)
Paediatrics (Theses and Dissertations)
Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Pharmacology & Therapeutics (Scholarly Publications)
Pharmacology & Therapeutics (Theses and Dissertations)
Physiology (Scholarly Publications)
Physiology (Theses and Dissertations)
Physiotherapy (Scholarly Publications)
Physiotherapy (Theses and Dissertations)
Psychiatry (Scholarly Publications)
Psychiatry (Theses and Dissertations)
Public Health & Primary Care
Public Health & Primary Care (Scholarly Publications)
Public Health & Primary Care (Theses and Dissertations)
Radiation Therapy
Radiation Therapy (Scholarly Publications)
Radiation Therapy (Theses and Dissertations)
Surgery (Scholarly Publications)
Surgery (Theses and Dissertations)
School of Natural Science
Botanic Gardens
Botanic Gardens (Scholarly Publications)
Botany (Scholarly Publications)
Botany (Theses and Dissertations)
Geography (Scholarly Publications)
Geography (Theses and Dissertations)
Geology (Scholarly Publications)
Geology (Theses and Dissertations)
Zoology (Scholarly Publications)
Zoology (Theses and Dissertations)
School of Nursing & Midwifery
Nursing and Midwifery
Nursing and Midwifery (Scholarly Publications)
Nursing and Midwifery (Theses and Dissertations)
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Theses and Dissertations)
Pharmaceutics & Pharmaceutical Technology
Pharmaceutics & Pharmaceutical Technology (Theses and Dissertations)
Pharmacognosy (Theses and Dissertations)
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Scholarly Publications)
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Theses and Dissertations)
School of Physics
Physics (Scholarly Publications)
Physics (Theses and Dissertations)
School of Psychology
Psychology (Theses and Dissertations)
Psychology (Scholarly Publications)
School of Social Science and Philosophy
Economics (Scholarly Publications)
Economics (Theses and Dissertations)
Philosophy (Scholarly Publications)
Philosophy (Theses and Dissertations)
An independent source of public policy research, innovation, advice and evaluation in Ireland
Political Science
Political Science (Scholarly Publications)
Political Science (Theses and Dissertations)
Sociology (Scholarly Publications)
Sociology (Theses and Dissertations)
School of Social Work and Social Policy
Social Studies
Social Studies (Scholarly Publications)
Social Studies (Theses and Dissertations)
Pedagogical design; Design for interactiveness; vari-disciplinary foci; assessment design; scalability.
School of Business
Business Studies
Business Studies (Theses and Dissertations)
Business Studies (Scholarly Publications)