Now showing items 1-10 of 569
National Ecosystem and Ecosystem Service Mapping Pilot for a Suite of Prioritised Services
(National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, 2016)
Irish biodiversity : a taxonomic inventory of fauna
(National Parks and Wildlife Service, 2009)
Natterjack toad monitoring project, 2011-2012
(National Parks and Wildlife Service, 2013)
Monitoring of the breeding population of grey seals in Ireland, 2009 - 2012
(National Parks and Wildlife Service, 2013)
Results of a monitoring survey of bog woodland
(National Parks and Wildlife Service, 2013)
Conservation management of the white-clawed crayfish : Austropotamobius pallipes. Part 1
(National Parks and Wildlife Service, 1998)
Monitoring and condition assessment of populations of Vertigo geyeri, Vertigo angustior and Vertigo moulinsiana in Ireland
(National Parks and Wildlife Service, 2011)
The beetles of decaying wood in Ireland : a provisional annotated checklist of saproxylic Coleoptera
(National Parks and Wildlife Service, 2012)
Brown long-eared bat roost monitoring scheme for the Republic of Ireland : synthesis report 2007-2010
(National Parks and Wildlife Service, 2011)
Distribution and population dynamics of the Kerry slug, Geomalacus maculosus (Arionidae)
(National Parks and Wildlife Service, 2011)